PRRT Database


Full title: A prospective database for neuroendocrine cancer (NET) patients recommended for peptide radionuclide receptor therapy (PRRT) in New Zealand.
Cancer type: Neuroendocrine
Status: In set up

Brief description:


PRRT is a highly targeted therapy for NET patients and was first available in NZ (as a national service) in July 2021. At this stage, all PRRT for people with NETs is provided in Auckland. This study employs quality clinical data at the interface between quality patient care and service improvement and research. A high quality service needs to collect high quality data in order to learn and improve. Previous relevant work includes development of the retrospective New Zealand NETwork! Registry (NETR). This demonstrated firstly the extensive work to create and maintain a registry, and secondly, the complexities involved with NETs. These complexities included the changing diagnostic criteria and reporting guidelines, clinical community awareness, vast primary sites and histological types. The lessons from NETR confirmed the need for an accurate and available data source to inform clinicians who are treating these patients.

This study aims to establish Aotearoa’s first prospective database of NET patients recommended for PRRT, with a focus on treatment and clinical outcomes.   The key objectives are focussed on: how data is brought into the database (piloting automated drawing of data fields from hospital systems); the database itself (governance and robust data field development); and how data and insights are extracted from the database (reporting PRRT outcomes from NZ patients, and development of an interactive data tool).   

Sites: Auckland City Hospital
Lead Investigator: Dr Laird Cameron and Dr Ben Lawrence
Contact: Sarah Benge (
Sponsor: University of Auckland
Funder: This study is philanthropically funded
Trial Registry reference: Not applicable
Ethics number: 2023 EXP 15436 (HDEC Northern B)
Publications: None currently